Multi-Grade Classrooms

Why Multi-age, Multi-grade education?

.At Douglasville Adventist School, our family-like atmosphere is centered around the multi-grade approach to education.  We believe in the many benefits of multiage, multigrade classrooms!  We see older students develop patience and empathy through their interactions helping the younger students.  Younger students look up to and learn from the older students.  Older students deepen their learning as they share it with younger students.  

What the research shows:
"In Multiage classrooms, teachers structure learning activities to meet individual student needs rather than aiming toward the "middle" of the class.
(Hoffman, 2003).

The student-teacher continuity afforded by multiage grouping provides a variety of alternatives for special needs students and viable alternatives to grade retention for students experiencing academic problems. 
(Kappler & Roellke, 2002)